Rain running off impact-resistant roof.

What is an impact-resistant roof?

If you're ready for a new roof, 现在是时候升级到更坚固的材料来创造一个抗冲击的屋顶,这可能会节省你的时间, money and hassle down the road.

Just how durable is your roof? 这取决于建筑中使用的屋顶产品的类型. One type of roofing product — impact-resistant shingles, 这些有时被称为抗冰雹带状疱疹-能给你一个更强的, 更安全的, more durable roof. An impact-resistant roof may also reduce your risk of hail, wind and interior water damage from a storm, 特别是如果你住在冰雹和大风对屋顶进行考验的地区. You might even qualify for a discount on your homeowners insurance premiums when you upgrade.

What are impact-resistant roofing materials?

抗冲击瓦和其他屋顶材料的设计是为了抵抗冰雹和飞行碎片的破坏-这些东西可能会损坏普通瓦. 抗冲击屋顶上的瓦是为了抵御强风和冰雹的破坏而设计的.

Hailstorms are particularly hard on roofs — hailstones can form up to five inches 直径更大,并以每小时90英里或更高的速度砸向你的屋顶. According to claims data, 状态 Farm paid $2.9 billion for homeowner hail claims in 2022.

According to the pp王者电子官网 Institute for Business and Home 安全 (IBHS), most roofs have an average life span of 20 years. 然而,在遭受大量冰雹的地区,屋顶可能需要每7到10年更换一次. The IBHS is one of the organizations — including 状态 Farm®, which has an in-house laboratory in Bloomington, 伊利诺伊州的研究人员多年来一直在实地和实验室研究冰雹,并测试用于应对冰雹的材料. The IBHS has a rating system 抗冲击带状疱疹,包括审查凹痕,撕裂和颗粒损失.

You can choose impact-resistant shingles such as asphalt or a metal roofing material in a variety of popular styles. 由混凝土制成的类似木头或板岩的抗冲击瓦, 塑料, recycled resin or rubber are also available in multiple colors.

How are impact-resistant roofing materials rated?


In UL testing, 不同大小的钢球从不同的高度落在新制造的屋顶覆盖物上.1 In FM Approvals testing, 各种尺寸的预成型冰球被投放到新制造的材料上.

当一个样品经受了两次测试,没有出现裂缝等损伤迹象时,它就合格了, splitting or breaking. 合格的覆盖物然后从1到4分级,第4级为最高.

Are impact-resistant shingles worth it?

而抗冲击产品可能比传统的带状疱疹更贵, 从长远来看,当你考虑到屋顶和房屋损坏的可能性降低时,你可以节省开支——特别是如果你住在一个冰雹多发的地区. 后 significant storm,一个更坚固的屋顶可以帮助你节省更换材料和维修人工的成本.

In some states, 你也可以通过使用合格的抗冲击屋顶产品来获得家庭pp王者电子官网费的折扣. Check to see if your state is included for the roofing discount based on products used.

Reasons to consider impact-resistant roofing options

  • 比非抗冲击产品更能抵抗冰雹和飞行碎片的冲击.
  • Protection against fire — many products are Class A fire rated.
  • 你可能有资格获得房屋pp王者电子官网费的年度折扣,2 especially if your current roof is made of wood shingles.3
  • If you sell your home, 新房主可能有资格获得房主pp王者电子官网折扣, which can be a good selling point.
  • 对环境的影响更小,因为在暴风雨中损坏的屋顶更少.

要了解更多关于抗冲击屋面材料的信息,请联系a 状态 Farm agent 今天.

1 预制屋面覆盖材料的抗冲击性或FM全球规范测试标准,用于用冷冻球冲击刚性屋面材料的抗冲击性测试. 折扣名称、百分比、可用性和资格可能因州而异.

2 For qualifying metal products, 排除金属屋顶产品的某些损害将是你们保单的一部分. See your agent for details.

3 减少你的房主pp王者电子官网费取决于你居住的州.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

状态 Farm Fire and Casualty Company
状态 Farm General pp王者电子官网 Company
Bloomington, IL

状态 Farm Florida pp王者电子官网 Company
Winter Haven, FL

状态 Farm Lloyds
Richardson, TX

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